Name Generator

Find the perfect couple portmanteau

Brangelina, Bennifer, TomKat, Billary... Celebrity couples are often known by their catchy portmanteau names. What should yours be?

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Please note: this generator brings in words from an external source, which can occasionally include potentially offensive content.
Person A

First name


Person B

First name


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Couple names are usually portmanteaus (or 'portmanteaux'), which is the name given to two words blended together to create a new word that combines the meaning of its components. These usually use the first part of one word and either the whole or second part of the other. For example, 'Brangelina' is made up of the 'Br' in 'Brad' and the whole of 'Angelina', but 'Bennifer' is made up of the 'Be' from 'Ben' and 'ennifer' from 'Jennifer'. Sometimes, the best couple name is obvious but on other occasions, you need a helping hand. Once you put your names into our generator, we try every combination then output the best. Occasionally, a couples' first names don't blend together well, so we look at surnames too.

Couple Name Generator

Portmanteau Generator / Name Amalgamations / Name Merger / Relationship Name Generator / Ship Generator

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